
Software Engineer – Secret Manger solution (Digital Core)

Posted 7 months ago by Cyrus Bandani
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Job Description

You will be part of the organization with the mission to create a great developer experience by providing platform products that support high performance & productivity for software engineers. Every software engineer and software team at Volvo Cars is a potential customer, and the team you will be part of are always keen on understanding customers and how they can help them to be successful and productive.


What you’ll do

Volvo Cars is looking for a Software Engineer with different levels of experience and background to join the teams Gothenburg or Stockholm. The transitioning journey, moving into a product-focused organisation, has just started and they are looking for great people that want to be part of that.

You will be part of a team which will provide central secret manager solution to all team in Volvo cars. They will be working on setting up infrastructure to setup central secret manager solution (based on hashicorp) to all teams in volvo cars. They will also work on smooth onboarding of users to use secret manager. Your day-to-day work will involve writing well-tested code that helps to make the developer experience better. You will also talk to users to get their feedback, help users when they have issues and help make sure the platform solves the right things.


Who you are

Volvo Cars believes good engineers can adapt and learn the skills needed, but they want the right candidate to have the following experience:

Experience in working in some kind of product team, and that you have an idea of what infrastructure as code means.
As they are part of Volvo Cars Platform organization it is beneficial if you are aware of Platform Engineering principals.
Since almost everything Volvo Cars does is cloud-based, it’s great if you have used one of the big clouds before, and have some understanding        of the concept.
Volvo Cars also values if you are curious, are passionated about user experience and are aware of software engineering best practices.
It will be also beneficial if you have knowledge of any secret manger solution.
For this requirement Volvo Cars wants to implement secret manager solution from hashicorp. Since they will be hosting on Kubernetes so it is      good to have Kubernetes knowledge.
The team uses backstage as the developer portal so knowledge on backstage is also plus.