
System Verification Engineer

Posted 6 months ago by Cyrus Bandani
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Job Description

We are looking for a highly motivated engineer to strengthen our team in the verification area.

Position description:
In this position you will be developing our different HIL simulation environments as well as writing test specifications, creating test cases, performing testing and analyzing test results. The work will be performed in close cooperation with our function developers. Our toolchain mainly consists of dSPACE tools (ControlDesk, AutomationDesk, MotionDesk/Aurelion, ASM) as well as Jenkins, python and Matlab/Simulink.

You are a methodical, curious and dedicated engineer with passion for problem solving. You are open-minded and enjoy teamwork but at the same time you can work independently and drive development on your own. You are good at networking with other people, like challenges and understand the value of a laugh. You most likely have an automotive interest.

• Master’s degree in engineering (Electronics, Mechatronics, Mechanics or Physics)
• Experience from development of embedded control systems within the automotive industry
• Experienced in model-based development & verification process
• Knowledge of SW integration & basic knowledge of HIL simulator hardware
• dSPACE tool chain knowledge
• Continuous integration / Continuous deployment
• Experienced Python programmer
• Experience of working with source control system, (e.g. GIT)
• Knowledge of automation tool, e.g. Jenkins.

• Experience of setting up CI/CD flow in Jenkins
• Matlab/Simulink/Stateflow knowledge
• dSPACE ASM experience
• Vehicle dynamics knowledge
• Experience from working with simulations of mechatronic/pneumatic systems.